Write & Draw In Ebooks

Amazing Brain (PDF): A Critical Thinking Power Pack

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Amazing Brain! includes 97 activity pages of fun, challenging & interesting content. We designed this pack to activate a wide swath of critical & creative thinking skills - and it requires nothing more than a pen or pencil. 

In this PDF pack, kids will:

  • problem-solve with numbers and words
  • investigate cause & effect, imagine narratives, weigh in on issues
  • up their language powers, test their knowledge, unleash their creativity
  • interpret and observe the world around them & a whole lot more!

Though it depends on the individual, we put the age range around 9 to 13+. 

Check out our sample pages:

Sample page of Amazing Brain pdf featuring a list of riddles

Amazing Brain Sample page 3 - featuring moral dilemmas

Amazing Brain sample page Crossword Without Clues

    Amazing Brain sample page 

    Amazing Brain sample page 5 featuring 5 trivia questions

    Amazing Brain sample page 6 featuring a list of creative questions

    Math Sample Page, Amazing Brain

    Originally created as a coil-bound pad, we've transformed Amazing Brain into a printable PDF. (You can also use many of the pages verbally.)

    It's great for rainy days, independent time, or those in-between moments when you want to keep them busy while still working valuable skills.

    Ages: 9-ish and up

    Size of file: 443 KB | 97 pages

    Paper size: 8.5" x 11"

    What to know about downloading our books:

    • The link to download will appear on the checkout page (after payment) and you'll also get an email with a link to access your downloads.
    • The link itself will stay open for 2 weeks. If you miss the window, please email us at hello@furiousthink.com to reactivate it. 


    Please note our PDFs are non-refundable!

    If you would like more information about buying PDFs from us, please visit our purchasing PDFs details page.