What's the Story (PDF package): Put Your Creative Thinking Skills to the Test


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Adults be warned. In this unique Furious Think favourite, we don't just stick to the point of view of the good guys. After all, what are stories without both heroes and villains? 👻

How it works: We provide a story problem and young people put their creative thinking skills to the test to come up with imaginative solutions and ideas. There are 111 scenarios.

Overall, kids will:


  • come up with genius story twists, motives & alternate realities
  • decide how they could fracture a few fairy tales
  • figure out how their hero will overcome challenges
  • come up with what deep dark childhood secrets their villains are hiding and what plans they have to wreak havoc on the world (bwa-ha-ha!)
  • practice the art of show don't tell & imagine compelling backstories

For educators, this e-book also serves as an incredible source of story prompts! Kids can practice writing scenes or full stories (as well as outline writing, character sketches, dialogues, screenplays). They can also practice visual storytelling, including comic strips, storyboards, illustrations.



What's the Story Sample page 1

What's the Story Sample Page, Scenario 5

What's the Story Sample Page, Scenario 31

What's the Story Sample page, scenario 97

What's the Story sample page, scenario 26

What's the Story sample page, scenario 50


FYI This e-book can be used collaboratively, making for some amazing creative discussions. Or, kids/teens can use it independently, thinking about the solutions on their own.

Age range: It really depends. We would say the minimum age is roughly 9 or 10-ish, and there is no max age. Please check out the sample pages above! 


What's in the package: you get two PDFs to meet your viewing and printing needs

  • Our Single pages 5 x 7 version is ideal for viewing on any digital device & it can be professionally printed for a 5 x 7 physical book. 
  • Our Landscape version compiles two scenarios per page making it optimal for printing at home or school, on standard paper size (8.5" x 11").
  • We've also made the PDF copyable. If you're an educator, this means you can copy & paste the text you want into assignments of your choice.

Buying options: You can buy this PDF on its own or in one of our discounted bundles! You can also create your own bundle: Buy 3 PDFs + get a 4th on us. Use the code free at checkout.

Pages: 62 (landscape version) 124 (single pages 5 x 7 version)

PDF created: 2021, updated 2025

File size: 1.6 MB (landscape version) 930 KB (single pages 5 x 7 version)

What to know about downloading our books:

  • The link to download will appear on the checkout page (after payment) and you'll also get an email with a link to access your downloads.
  • The link itself will stay open for 2 weeks. If you miss the window, please email us at hello@furiousthink.com to reactivate it. 


Please note our PDFs are non-refundable!

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