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The Comic Strip Challenge! Draw, Write, Create (PDF)

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This simply designed PDF is all about using your imagination to create and tell stories, comic strip style. But to do the tasks at hand, kids and teens (adults too!) will need to exercise their critical, creative and strategic thinking skills.

The great part about this being a PDF - you can print & reprint, so if you want to change your idea halfway through or try something else, you can.

How it works:

  • We provide a title and kids come up with a short comic strip that goes with it. The title can be interpreted in any way, and kids have up to 12 boxes to tell their story (six boxes on the first page, six on the following).
  • They'll need to create characters, think about setting, and come up with a beginning-middle-end story idea to reflect and fulfill the title. (We give a few storytelling tips in the intro pages.)
  • Some titles are fill in the blank.
  • There are 50 titles in total. 
  • And, there are blank templates at the end of the PDF so they can fully do their own thing.


Sample of a complete comic strip called the Lazy Penguin


This image features a teen-drawn comic strip sample, entitled the Missing Sock

Warning! We find when teens are involved... the humour can be rather dark, as seen in the above comic. 😬

What else to know?

  • Just like in any comic book, you can use word bubbles to add dialogue and/or thought bubbles to show what your characters are thinking.

  • You can add visual interest by drawing fun graphics like BAM! CRASH! WHAM! OOPS! etc.

  • You don’t have to be good at drawing for this. You can always keep things simple by using basic squares and shapes to tell your story. For instance, stick people are great, like below.


This image features 3 drawings showing stick figures in action

A couple more sample pages:

Sample Page for the Comic Strip Challenge: Title is The (fill in the blank) Vampire

Sample Page Comic Strip Challenge. The title is: That's So Not a Rock

Other titles include:

  • The Phony __________
  • The __________ Chef
  • A Terrifying Pop-Out
  • Total Fail

This PDF is created on regular paper size (8.5" x 11"), and the inside pages are in black and white to go easy on your ink.

Age range: Pretty much for all ages (reading/writing age and up)! 

Size of file: 217 KB | 109 pages

Created: 2021

What to know about downloading our books:

  • The link to download will appear on the checkout page (after payment) and you'll also get an email with a link to access your downloads.
  • The link itself will stay open for 2 weeks. If you miss the window, please email us at hello@furiousthink.com to reactivate it. 


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