Reasons we do what we do

A fanciful illustration of a hot air balloon, featuring a red balloon with blue clouds in the back.

To help you get to know what we're all about, this informal page documents all the things that motivate and inspire us to create our weird and wonderful lineup of books.

It's our wishes, our goals, the thoughts that keep us up at night and hearten us during the day. 


Why we do what we do

1. To render disinformation less likely to succeed.

2. So kids and families and classrooms have more things - really interesting things - to talk about. And not just among themselves. We're all about inter-generational interaction.

3. We want kids to have questioning minds, to create a protective layer - a voice of reason - against the cultural, peer and advertising messages that can otherwise make them (and anyone) feel bad about themselves. 

4. So they will take care of us one day when we're old.

5. Because ethics. Probably best that a small group of tech companies run by gazillionaires doesn't decide the fate of humanity, behind-the-scenes and in the shadows. Better to contribute to the pool of people who will at the very least try to ensure the necessary ethical, social and existential questions get discussed and debated. 

6. So they will be less likely to join and be manipulated by cults. (We should probably stop watching so much HBO.)

7. To give our kids an edge in their future careers. Okay, yeah, we're also practical. It's a competitive world out there and strong critical thinkers have an edge.

An illustration of a blue and grey whale

8. Climate change. And to give animals and the natural world a fighting chance by helping to create minds that care and problem solve and see the big picture. In some ways, this would be our number one reason and everything branches out from here. 

9. In case #8 doesn't work out, then to help them be resilient and flexible and creative and good people in what could be incredibly difficult times. 

10. To preserve freedom, civility and the diversity of ideas. A society that has people who can think, reason, listen to different view points and exchange ideas in a civil way is an important prerequisite for freedom, democracy and the rule of the law. Arguably, these are major ingredients that can quite literally make the world a better place.

11. In case it got lost above - to make the world a better place, duh!

12. Building on #s 10 and 11 - peace. 

13. To fill the world with decent people. Decency - it's an underrated goal. 

Illustration of a white flower

14. So they don't join mobs and instead use their metaphoric pitchforks for gardening.

15. To protect our grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Because critical/creative thinkers value critical/creative thinking and will pass it on.

16. So we have future adults who have the imaginations to create binge-worthy shows. Let's face it. It's not unimportant.

17. To help them balance screen time. Truly believe that the more kids use their brains, the less likely they are to be satisfied sitting around for hours upon hours consuming a constant feed of content that's been created to keep them sitting around for more and more hours consuming a constant feed of content. (With the exception of excellent binge-worthy shows.)

18. To encourage empathy, including the ability/willingness to see issues from different perspectives. To imagine what it is like to walk in someone else's shoes. To be less afraid of others.

19. So we will have writers - like actual writers, both fiction and non-fiction. Because we need good books!

20. If they have the misfortune of experiencing times of conflict and war, that they will be less likely to shed their principles.

21. So they will always VOTE. Every. Time.